Phase #2

About Airdrop Phase #2

This campaign will take place on Aribitrum. And participants only need to link their wallets and authenticate a referral code to participate.

Phase 2 starts on April 26th, 2023 at UTC 12:00 and ends on May 11th, 2023 at UTC 12:00.

You'll have the opportunity to receive rewards for this round through loot boxes, bonuses, mining, and a treasure chest!

Prize Pool

An initial prize pool of $100,000 USDC has been set up. And during the campaign, participants can use their Tickets #2 points to get a share of these rewards.

nn: your Tickets #2 Amount

NN: the total Tickets #2 Amount in the network

The reward algorithm is:

You can simply understand it by:

DailyEmissions=RemainingUSDCRemainingdaysDaily Emissions=\frac{Remaining USDC}{Remaining days}

EstimatedDailyReward=DailyEmissions(n/N)Estimated Daily Reward=Daily Emissions*(n/N)

However, we have a 0.65 decay coefficient with reward emission. This means that we will take 50% of the daily sales as rewards after settlement, and distribute them over the remaining days. Ensuring all rewards are given out, and each day's distribution rate decays to 65% of the previous day's.

aia_i: Sales of day ii

bjb_j: Daily Emission on day jj

bj=i{0<(ji)<15}0.65(10.65)ji1(0.5ai)b_j=\sum_{\forall i \in \{ 0 <(j-i) < 15 \}} 0.65 \cdot (1-0.65)^{j-i-1} \cdot (0.5 a_i)

These rewards can be claimed anytime.

You can also simply understand it as: Each day's sales will be released as rewards as soon as possible. If daily sales are smooth, then the daily emission would be about 35% higher than the previous day, and if sales are only 65% of the previous day, they can maintain the basic level. However, if sales drop sharply, the daily emission size in the later stage of the campaign would be smaller.

How to get Ticket #2?

Three loot boxes will be available: Common, Rare, and Mythic.

  • Common: $30 USDC to mint and get 15 Tickets #2.

  • Rare: $200 USDC to mint and get 400 Tickets #2.

  • Mythic: $1000 USDC to mint and get 4000 Tickets #2.

If you refer a user, 5% of the Tickets #2 obtained from their box minting will be settled into your account.

What are the Loot Boxes?

The mysterious Loot box contains 4 things;

  • The loot box grants you tickets #2 which provide you the right to participate in the daily emission pool.

  • The tickets #2 that you earn from the loot box will provide you the right to our airdrop of TMS. The actual amount will be disclosed in the near future.

  • The loot box grants you an equivalent value in veTMS.

  • By having more than 500 tickets, you will be granted to participate in our treasure chest. For more details, check here.Ultimate Treasure Chest

In the design of $veTMS:

x=thequantityoflockedTMSx=the quantity of locked TMS

t=thelockingtimeofveTMSt=the locking time of veTMS

y=thequantityofveTMSy=the quantity of veTMS

The amount of veTMS you can get = xt(vestadditive)x*t(vest additive), and the maximum lock period is 24 months and 4 times $veTMS for Mythic Boxes.

Box TypeExpireVest Additive

Common Box

3 months


Rare Box

12 months


Mythic Box

24 months


If $TMS has a 5-day average price of $0.5 after its online launch, then if you spend $100 in the event, it will be converted into 200 $TMS, which can be redeemed in full after the expiration of $veTMS.


1 Common Box=60 TMS=30 veTMS.

1 Rare Box=400 TMS=800 veTMS.

1 Mythic Box=2000 TMS=8000 veTMS.

Boost Prize Pool

Whenever a box is minted, the size of the prize pool increases, and the time remaining is reduced. This means all early and current participants are entitled to a larger share of the rewards.

  • 50% of the sales revenue will be placed into the prize pool.

  • 20% of the sales revenue will be placed into the ultimate treasure chest.

  • 2.5% of the sales revenue will be the referral commission.

  • The time remaining is reduced by 10 seconds.

Ultimate Treasure Chest

Being early gives you an advantage. The earlier you join, the more rewards are available to you. However, being late to the party isn't the end of the world. You'll still have an opportunity to receive the treasure chest reward. Thus, making the playing field even.

Since 20% of the sales revenue enters the treasure chest, this prize pool becomes fairly significant towards the end of the campaign.

Rewards are divided into four parts:

Reward RatioReward Recipients


Top 10


Top 11 to 30


Top 31 to 100


Tickets #2 beyond 500, based on weight

Airdrop Phase #2

Thank you to all participants in this phase. You'll receive both USDC and veTMS Lockdrop rewards. Additionally, you'll also receive TMS distribution.

Your Airdrop on Phase #2=TotalAirdrop#2*(n/N)

Rewards will be available to claim after TGE.

Last updated